Parking and Driving
All students taking at least one course on the Southeastern Community College (SCC) campus must display parking permits on their vehicles according to the directions printed on the permits. The SCC Business Office issues parking permits to students, staff, and faculty through the Welcome Center in the A Building. These permits are not transferable to another person or vehicle. If students have to drive a substitute vehicle without a permit, the student should get a temporary parking permit at the Welcome Center located in the A Building.
The following regulations constitute SCC’s traffic code and are applicable to students, faculty, staff, and any other individual operating a motor vehicle on college-owned property. These regulations are in effect and enforced at all times.
All regulations embodied in the General Statutes of North Carolina governing and regulating vehicular traffic are applicable to and are enforced by the SCC campus police/security. Campus and/or state citations and disciplinary action may be taken for violations of the regulations. In addition, the following regulations are enforced:
1. Vehicles may not be parked in “No Parking” zones at any time.
2. The maximum speed limit on all campus streets is 20 miles per hour, unless otherwise posted.
3. Movement of traffic along the campus streets must not be obstructed by vehicles stopping in the streets or in parking lots for any purpose other than parking in a properly marked space.
4. Driving or parking on lawns or other areas of the campus where streets and/or parking lots are provided is prohibited.
5. Pedestrians are given the right-of-way at all crosswalks.
6. All accidents involving motor vehicles that occur on college property must be reported immediately to campus police/security.
7. Vehicles illegally parked or abandoned on campus will be towed and placed in commercial storage. Towing and storage charges are the responsibility of the vehicle owner.
8. Parking on or over lines used to separate parking spaces is a violation.
9. Individuals with repeated violations may be prohibited from driving or parking on campus.
The college reserves the right to modify these regulations and to add, remove, or reallocate parking spaces as the need arises. These changes, if any, are effective with the posting of signs and/or markings as appropriate and are emailed to students via college email.
Registration Violations
· Failure to register vehicle
· Failure to display a current parking permit
Parking Violations
· Parking in unauthorized space
· Parking in a non-parking space
· Parking in a manner creating a hazard
· Vehicle parked against the flow of traffic
· Vehicle parked improperly in parking space
Moving Violations
· Exceeding the speed limit
· Driving in a hazardous manner
· Failure to heed a stop sign
· Failure to heed a yield sign
· Driving the wrong way in one-way drive lanes
Enforcement of Parking and Driving Regulations
First Offense
Any individual who violates parking regulations will be issued a campus or North Carolina state citation.
Any individual who violates driving regulations will be asked to show their student identification card or state-issued driver’s license. Campus police/security will explain the college’s driving regulations and will document the incident. Campus police/security have the option of submitting the report to the director of student services to contact the student for disciplinary action.
Second Offense
Campus police/security will follow the procedures identified in “First Offense.” When campus police/security determines that this is the second reported offense for a student, the campus police/security will submit the report to the director of student services. The director of student services will contact the student warning him/her that this is the second violation of the driving regulations and that the student has lost driving privileges on campus for a specific period of time. The director of student services may invoke additional sanctions, as appropriate. Additional violations may result in the suspension of driving privileges.
Third Offense
Campus police/security will follow the procedures identified in “First Offense.” When the campus police/security determines that this is the third reported offense for a student, the campus police/security will submit the report to the director of student services. The director of student services may suspend the student’s driving privileges for a specific period of time and may invoke additional sanctions, as appropriate.
Any student who wishes to appeal the decision of the director of student services must follow the appeals process outlined in the conduct procedures.
Reporting Accidents on Campus, Policy 8.05
Procedure 8.05.01, Reporting Accidents on Campus
Approved 06.15.2020, Effective Immediately