Workplace Health & Safety

Safety is the responsibility of every employee, and compliance with all posted policies and procedures will benefit everyone. Every job can, and must be performed in a safe manner. Safety must take precedence over shortcuts.

The prevention of accidents and the elimination of safety hazards will continue to be a major objective of the college. The safety of our students, employees, the public, and our operations are of the utmost importance and should receive our highest level of attention.

SCC will provide safe equipment, procedures, and the tools and training to allow employees to work in a hazard-free environment. The success of our safety program is the responsibility of all employees, students and visitors on our campus. The administration, from the president to the first line supervisor, is responsible for the implementation of four major tasks that are basic to the success of our program.

  • Motivate employees to be safety conscious both on and off the job.
  • Train employees to be more productive under established safety guidelines.
  • Inspect work areas to identify and correct safety hazards and potential problems.
  • Immediately investigate accidents to determine cause and take appropriate corrective action.

Safety Guides
