Summer Discovery Camps offer five areas of exploration for young teens

Southeastern Community College’s Summer Discovery Camps, focused on building construction, automotive systems, agribusiness, cosmetology and engineering, will plunge young teens age 12 – 15 into the world of business careers and technical programs. The free camps are fun, interactive and designed as a precursor to high school summer camps at SCC.  

Dean of Business Careers and Technical Programs Angie Ransom said that SCC instructors will lead each of the five camps. The camps will expose teens to possible career fields and areas of study they may want to pursue at SCC.  

“The idea would be to have every one of those 15-year-olds here next year in high school summer camp,” Ransom said. “At some point during the day, they are going to see what high school summer campers are doing – the ones who are getting high school and college credit. These discovery camps are just a preview to see if those kids are interested.” 

Chris Cook will oversee the building construction camp called “Builder’s Basecamp.” Cook will demonstrate proper tool usage on cutting wood and hammering nails to build a toolbox that each camper can take home. This camp has two offerings from July 8 – 11 and July 22 – 25 both from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. 

Johnny O’Connell will lead the automotive camp called “Gearheads Garage.” O’Connell will give a basic overview of automotive repair and maintenance with oil changes, fluid checks and tire changes. This camp runs from July 8 – 11 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. 

Jeff Brown will teach the agribusiness camp called “Green Thumbs Lab.” Brown’s camp deals with Venus flytrap propagation, adjusting the water’s pH level, working in a clean room and exploring careers in agriculture. Campers will take home their own flytrap plant. This camp runs from July 15 – 18 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. 

Eli Murillo is in charge of the cosmetology camp called “Nail Art Studio Camp.” Murillo will dive into the history of nail care, the details of SCC’s nail technician program and what sets it apart from other nail programs and procedures on waterless manicures. Each camper will create original designs for two nails. This camp runs from July 15 – 18 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.  

Josh Snyder will head the engineering camp called “Junior Innovators Workshop.” Campers will build hand-crank electric generators that will power a small light, create water guns out of PVC pipes and create marshmallow shooting guns out PVC pipe in Snyder’s hydraulics, pneumatics and electrical engineering themed camp. This camp runs from July 22 – 25 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.  

Every camper will receive a snack each day. Pick-up and drop-off will be in front of A-Building. There is no limit on how many each camper wants to sign up for. For more information about Summer Discovery Camps, contact Valerie Register at 910-788-6397. Click here to register your child for these free summer camps.