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SECU awards 2018 Continuing Education Scholarships


Ten Southeastern Community College students were recently awarded a $750 State Employees’ Credit Union (SECU) Continuing Education Scholarship.

In 2013, the SECU Foundation introduced the SECU Continuing Education Scholarship program. Designed to help meet the needs of North Carolina’s unemployed and underemployed citizens, SECU Foundation funds ten $750 Continuing Education Scholarships to be awarded to eligible students at each of the 58 NC Community College campuses.

SECU Continuing Education Scholarship Program focuses on assisting unemployed and underemployed adults, military veterans, and members of the National Guard with marketable job skills for future employment. Participants must be enrolled in a program that leads to state recognized or industry supported credentials.  Funds can be used to offset costs of registration fees, required books, uniforms and instructional materials, transportation, childcare and credentialing. After the award, recipients are followed to determine the number of credentials earned, entry into employment and/or enrollment in further education