Student Achievement Data

Southeastern Community College is part of the North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS). The NCCCS has seven system-wide outcomes. Each year the system prepares the Performance Measures for Student Success Report which provides an analysis of each college’s student success data. SCC has adopted the seven system-wide outcomes (listed below) and the college’s goal is to be at least above the average college percentage for each student achievement goal. The seven outcomes are:

  1. To ensure individuals with low literacy skills are progressing academically toward credential or employment (Basic Skills Student Progress).
  2. To ensure students are successfully completing a credit-bearing English course within their first three academic years (Student Success Rate in College-Level English Courses).
  3. To ensure students are successfully completing credit-bearing math courses within their first three academic years (Student Success Rate in College-Level Math Courses).
  4. To ensure first-year students are making progress toward credential completion (First Year Progression).
  5. To ensure student completion and/or persistence toward a post-secondary credential in a timely manner (Curriculum Completion).
  6. To ensure programmatic coursework prepares students to competently practice in their chosen profession (Licensure and Certification Passing Rate).
  7. To ensure the academic success of community college students at a four-year university or college (College Transfer Performance). A summary of SCC’s performance in the 2020 report is described in the table below:

The annual performance report can be accessed at the links below. The reports are filled with comprehensive information about the development of the measures and the performance of each community college in the North Carolina Community College System.


Basic Skills Progress College ENG Success College Math Success First Year Progression Curriculum Completion Licensure Pass Rate Index Transfer Performance
System Excellence Level 1.348 1.147 1.192 1.065 1.094 1.075 1.024
System Baseline .283 .747 .662 .87 .853 .923 .923
SCC .667 1.017 1.093 1.017 1.103 .971 1.013

Detailed information may be found in the complete 2022 NCCCS Performance Measures Report.


Basic Skills Progress College ENG Success College Math Success First Year Progression Curriculum Completion Licensure Pass Rate Index Transfer Performance
System Excellence Level 1.348 1.147 1.192 1.065 1.094 1.075 1.024
System Baseline .283 .747 .662 .87 .853 .923 .923
SCC .853 1.071 1.057 0.892 1.061 .891 .995

Detailed information may be found in the complete 2021 NCCCS Performance Measures Report.


Basic Skills Progress College ENG Success College Math Success First Year Progression Curriculum Completion Licensure Pass Rate Index Transfer Performance
System Excellence Level 1.348 1.147 1.192 1.065 1.094 1.075 1.024
System Baseline .283 .747 .662 .87 .853 .923 .923
SCC .995 .989 .942 1.102 .987 1.01 1.004

Detailed information may be found in the complete 2020 NCCCS Performance Measures Report.


IPEDS Student Achievement Data

The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) is a system of interrelated surveys conducted annually by the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). IPEDS gathers information from every college, university, and technical and vocational institution that participates in the federal student financial aid programs. These data are made available to students and parents through the College Navigator college search Web site and to researchers and others through the IPEDS Data Center.

The following data shows IPEDS award and enrollment rates of first-time, full-time, degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students after 8 years of entry, by Pell status and first-time, part-time, degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate students after 8 years of entry, by Pell status.

 2013-2104 Cohort Graduated Still Enrolled Transferred
SCC FT Pell Students 29% 3% 14%
Comparison Institutions FT Pell 22% 1% 17%
SCC FT Non-Pell 46% 2% 33%
Comparison FT Non-Pell 45% 1% 17%
SCC PT Pell Students 12% 0% 23%
Comparison PT Pell Students 13% 0% 23%
SCC PT Non-Pell 50% 0% 8%
Comparison PT Non-Pell  24% 0% 18%
